Useful Links
National Disability Insurance Agency
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Their role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. The NDIS will mean peace of mind for every Australian - for anyone who has, or might acquire, a disability.
Association for Children with a Disability
Association for Children with a Disability (ACD). Whether you’re a parent, carer, sibling, family member or a professional who works with children and families, ACD can help you make the most of available services and supports to achieve a positive future.
Rights Information and Advocacy Centre Inc.
Rights Information and Advocacy Centre Inc (RIAC) is a not for profit organisation operating throughout Geelong, central, northern and north-western Victoria providing information and advocacy support to individuals, families, carer and communities. They were selected by DSS to deliver the External Merits Review Support Service (EMRSS) to those Victorians who are resident in the Barwon NDIS launch site. The EMRSS offers very specific support for people with disability seeking an external review of a decision made under the NDIS.
Carers Australia
Carers provide care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is an older person with care needs. Carers Australia Victoria work closely with government and other support organisations to improve the lives of caring families throughout Victoria.
Services Australia
Centerlink, Medicare and Child Support services
Genetic Support Network Victoria
Genetic Support Network Victoria (GSNV) is an organisation that serve all people with genetic, undiagnosed and rare conditions, and those who support them.
Association for Children with a Disability (ACD)
Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) is a Victorian advocacy service for children with disability and their families. This is a not-for-profit organisation led by and for families of children with disability. For over 40 years we have supported families across Victoria and advocated for children with all types of disabilities.
Health Direct
This is a free telephone health information and advice service.
e-Bility was launched in 1998 as a one-stop accessible destination for disability related information, resources, services and products.
Amaze is the peak body for people on the autism spectrum and their supporters in Victoria. Amaze raises awareness and influences positive change for people on the autism spectrum and their families/supporters and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.
Better Health
The Better Health Channel (BHC) provides health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date, easy to understand, regularly reviewed and locally relevant. BHC does not have any advertising or sponsorship and is fully funded by the State Government of Victoria (Australia).
Cystic Fibrosis Australia
Cystic Fibrosis Australia, which promotes research, increase awareness of Cystic Fibrosis and provides education, support and advocacy to Victoria's Cystic Fibrosis community.
MS Australia
MS Australia works in advocacy and communications and collaboratively with our stakeholders to benefit thousands of people affected by MS across the country.
Genetic Alliance Australia
Genetic Alliance Australia endeavours to facilitate contact between families/individuals affected by the same, or similar condition and provide information about relevant support groups both nationally and internationally.
Department of Health
Australian Government, Dept of Health which aims for better health and wellbeing for all Australians, now and for future generations.
National Equipment Database (NED)
National Equipment Database (NED) is Australia’s largest and most comprehensive assistive technology (AT) one-stop-shop where customers can access free and impartial information and purchase assistive products all in one place.